Take up space.
intuitive eating, joyful movement and self-compassion
Nourish yourself with joy again
We are all born with the innate ability to choose foods that we love, that nourish us and let our body grow how it needs to. If you watch a child eat…
…(and don’t interfere) you will notice they are very in tune with their needs and desires. They ask for foods they love when they sound good and eat until they are done. They run until they are out of breath. They play and dance without any shame about how they look or how silly they are. They confidently let their belly relax. Somewhere along the way, our fitness-obsessed, diet obsessed culture sucks the joy out of eating, dressing ourselves, playing and exercise…and makes our bodies a problem to be solved.
Research tells us over and over again that diets don’t work for 95% of people (And this includes diets pretending not to be diets and calling themselves “moderation” this or “clean” that). We know that weight actually plays a very small role in our overall health, if any, and that our genetics determine most of our body size, shape, and other health factors.
We also know that bodies of all sizes can experience health and wellness without any need to count, monitor or record their food intake or exercise (barring any need for medical nutritional therapy). I look at these issues clinically through a Health At Every Size (HAES) lens, which means that I celebrate body diversity and reject societal norms that require us to conform to an impossible ideal, forsaking our overall well-being as we try to make ourselves smaller.
I can help you to instead learn to listen to your body, move joyfully and make decisions based on how you actually feel. You can learn to let go of critical voices and replace them with kindness and self-compassion. You can start to live in the present, embodied and accepting of wherever you are, as you are right now. I would love to support you wherever you are on this journey to body peace.
Related issues I can help with:
Body image, self-esteem
Embodiment, mind-body connection, mindfulness
Joyful movement vs. exercise as punishment/compensation for eating
Letting go of weight-loss, ditching the scale
Making peace with normal fluctuations in body size
Intuitive eating, food freedom
Navigating spaces that are not body positive
Fat-phobic medical encounters, advocating for evidence-based treatment from providers
Fat-positive fertility and pregnancy
Reframing “emotional eating”